Elite Wealth Partners, LLC (Large)

Our Approach

Our process begins with a financial health assessment so we can review the strengths and weaknesses in your overall financial position.  Once we understand where we are, we will evaluate where you would like to be so we can begin to develop strategies to help you reach your goals.  We believe strongly in annual reviews to make sure that we are making steady progress towards your goals and dreams.

Our Story

Our practice was founded on the idea of helping clients find the age where they can stop working because they have to and start working because they want to.

Meet the Team


Cory J Dawkins

Founder & Senior Partner

Cory began his career in financial services as an advisor in 2011. Prior to that he worked in the IT department with a major insurance company and financial institution in Des Moines.  In 2015, Cory founded Elite Wealth Partners, LLC to offer an independent and unbiased view of Financial Services to clients.

Next Steps…

Setup a NO FEE & NO OBLIGATION Financial Health Assessment, or discuss whatever your concerns are at the moment.


Cory J. Dawkins

Senior Partner

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